EU Budget

The EU budget explained

What is the EU budget's mid-term review?

Draw Me The Economy: What is the purpose of the EU budget?

How the EU budget works and what it does

The budgetary procedure and the EU budget

Where does EU money come from? (And where does it go?)

An overview of the EU budget

Annual EU budgetary procedure [Policy Podcast]

[Enveloppe Budget] Bilan S5 et du mois de Juillet 2024 🏖️

EU Decoded Podcast: What's next for the EU's long-term budget?

EU budget support – How it works, what it achieves

EU budget behind the figures

Economic and Budgetary Outlook for the European Union 2021

EPRS roundtable: EU long term budget: Does the EU have enough resources to finance its priorities?

The EU's Budget Standoff Explained: Why Poland and Hungary Refuse EU Budget Plans - TLDR News

EU budget video

66 Milliarden Euro? Vilimsky (FPÖ) lehnt Forderung nach drastisch höherem EU-Budget ab

What Happens to the EU Budget when Britain Leaves? The EU's Budget Explained - TLDR News

What is the European Commission?

What is the EU long-term budget and how does it affect me?

The EU's Budget Stalemate: Why They Can't Agree a New Budget - TLDR News

The battle for the EU budget begins as Brexit leaves €15 billion annual vacuum

Teaser - EU budget support – How it works, what it achieves

Poland, Hungary veto EU budget over new rules linking funding to rule of law